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Art Club



                             Art Club is for A.M.S. students 6-8

What we do: The Art Club is designed to enhance students to improve their art skills through the exploration of study in art for personal interest, for school improvement, school events and in contributions to the community.                         

Students have more opportunities to pursue their personal interest outside of the art class where they may not have that option as much.  Generally art club students have more opportunities to enter contest, exhibits and build their portfolio for possible future advances. Art club is usually involved in field trips and visiting artists.  Because the art club has 6th, 7th and 8th grade involvement, they learn to work together and support each other as a team.  

When we meet: Art Club meets on every other Thursday of the month (excluding holidays).

(Often some art club students are asked to work on projects for completion after school. This must have pre approval from administration and through parent contact ahead of time.)

Where we meet:   Art Club meets at 3:45, after school, in room 210. (Art room).

HOW TO JOIN; All interested student MUST submit a ten piece portfolio of their best original work.

Art work must be complete 2d; pencil shading, or any other mediums such as color pencil, marker, and paint.  Students may also include crafts, sculpture, pictures of sculpture, photography,

(Returning members must present at least 5 new drawings or other artwork as well as re- submitting their forms and paying the materials and tools fee)

Students may receive a letter of interest to provide to their parents. Upon submitting their artwork for consideration and if approved they will received a copy of the art club form to be signed by parent and returned. Students are expected to submit 10.00 with their application to help cover some materials costs. (This art club fee will not cover field trip fees, transportation or food).


Please see Mrs. Eldredge, in Art at A.M.S. if you have any other questions or concerns in reference to joining the Art Club. Thank you for your interest!


Mrs. Lyn Eldredge